I am with you and for you. When you decide on a course of action that is in line with My will, nothing in heaven or on earth can stop you. You may encounter many obstacles as you move toward your goal, but don't be discouraged--never give up! With My help, you can overcome any obstacle. Do not expect an easy path as you journey hand in hand with Me, but do remember that I, your very-present Helper, am omnipotent.
-An excerpt from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
Dear Jesus,
I'm at a crossroads and it is taking every bit of my faith to make a decision on which path to take. My heart knows which one, but the rest of me still needs some bravery. The more I think about it though, the more I get encouraged to go after the passion You have purposefully put in me. The heart wants what it wants nga diba? (cue Selena Gomez hehe).
Thank You for slowly, but surely, building up the courage I need to start truly living my life and going after what I want. I acknowledge that every now and then, I still get bouts of anxiety coupled with doubt, and they tend to shake me. Help me renounce these fears in Your Name. Allow me to focus on seeking You more through this journey, that I may fix my eyes solely on You and not be swayed by words of mere men. Drown out the voice of doubt and discouragement, and silence the naysayers.